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"We, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff, facilitate individual spiritual growth, and manifest our shared values through action with the greater community."

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CoordinatingCouncil/Worship Meeting

Sunday, September 01, 2024
01:00pm : 03:00pm

Important Meeting Update:
Coordinating Council & Worship Ministry Meetings Have Been Combined

The combined meeting will be held on the first & third Sundays of the month, in the times previously used for the Worship Ministry meetings.

Combined Coordinating Council & Worship Ministry Meetings
Charity North Meeting Room & on Zoom

First Sunday:
Meeting ID: 851 4970 2548
Passcode: 229608
To dial in:
346 248 7799

Third Sunday:
Meeting ID: 835 8264 9233
Passcode: 305792
To dial in:
346 248 7799

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